Non-State Grant Financing
Project Office for Non-Government Grant Funding
Project Office For Non-Government Grant Funding was established in January 2020.
The main goal of Project Office is to search for potential donors to provide financial support for social projects of non-governmental organizations and to participate in grant competitions.
One of the priority areas of Project Office’s activities is furthering cooperation with stakeholders to consolidate efforts and resources to attract them to development of the civil sector. Within the scope of work in this area, work is carried out to promote interaction with grant-making and donor organizations in organizing dialogue platforms between state-business-non-governmental organizations, popularizing philanthropy and developing socially oriented activities among representatives of the business sector.
Activities of Project Office:
1. popularization of donor activities in Kazakhstan;
2. attracting donor funds for implementation of civil initiatives;
3. participation in grant competitions of grant-making organizations;
4. introduction of the world best practices to the field of grant funding;
5. raising funds to increase the potential of Kazakhstani NGOs;
6. monitoring and support of implementation of grant projects;
7. support of projects of NGOs within the framework of participation in grant competitions.