About centre

Civil Initiatives Support Center was established with the aim of improving the mechanism of interaction between government and NGOs in Kazakhstan, ensuring greater transparency of grant-making activities. Its main activities are provision of government and non-government grants to NGOs and monitoring their implementation.
The mission for the development of civil society in Kazakhstan sounds quite simple, but its importance for society and the whole country should not be underestimated. Our main mission is to improve the mechanism of interaction between the state and NGOs in Kazakhstan by providing state and non-state grants for NGOs and monitoring their implementation. We position ourselves as a bridge between the government, civil society and donor organizations. By consolidating efforts and resources, we try to achieve significant changes and meet the needs of society. It is necessary to develop the potential of NGOs and civil society activists not only with the help of financial support. And therefore, we pay special attention to providing methodological, analytical, organizational and consulting support.
Participation in all processes of implementation of government grants in order to ensure the satisfaction of final beneficiaries from the implementation of social projects