Бүгін қазақстандықтар ұлық мереке – Қазақстан Республикасының Тәуелсіздік Күнін атап өтуде. 1991 жылы 16 желтоқсанда Жоғарғы Кеңес «Мемлекеттің тәуелсіздігі мен егемендігі туралы» заңды қабылдады. Азаматтық бастамаларды қолдау орталығының ұжымы барлық қазақстандықтарды мерекемен құттықтай отырып, әр отбасыға береке, амандық пен дәулет тілейді! Тәуелсіздіктің тұғыры биік...
CSOs, NGOs, and CBOs based and operating in Kazakhstan are requested to submit their proposals as a potential Responsible Party to UNDP on implementing the UNDP-TCCF Project “Almaty irrigation water supply and sanitation improvement”. Purpose of the project: To expand irrigated arable land areas, reduce the extent of degraded wastelands, restore agricultural landscapes, and sanitation of drinking water in three neighborhoods, and four high schools in the rural suburbs of the Almaty region. Objectives of the project: To establish a series of farmer’s centered demonstration plots on the restoration of degraded formerly irrigated lands To conduct and mobilize a wide range of community...
2022 жылдың сәуір айында Батыс Қазақстан, Атырау және Маңғыстау облыстарында 15 үкіметтік емес ұйым «Ecobatys» экологиялық бастамасы аясында «Шелл Қазақстан» компаниясы мен Азаматтық бастамаларды қолдау Орталығының қолдауымен 4 млн теңгеден грант ұтып алды. «Ecobatys» бастамасына «Шелл Қазақстан» компаниясы 60 млн теңге бөлді. Сондай-ақ, аталған үш облыста Каспий итбалығын сақтау, Жайық...
В целях повышения эффективности процесса по отбору членов конкурсной комиссии НАО «Центр поддержки гражданских инициатив» (далее – Центр) на постоянной основе ведет реестр экспертов. В настоящее время обновляется работа по формированию реестра на предстоящие 3 (три) календарных года. Кандидатуры для включения в реестр экспертов выдвигаются физическими и юридическими лицами,...
Вход на образовательный модуль Уважаемые эксперты, Добро пожаловать на обучающий модуль «Экспертиза социальных проектов»! Данный модуль предназначен для кандидатов в Реестр экспертов, оценивающих заявки на грантовое финансирование. Успешное завершение обучающего модуля позволяет получить сертификат о прохождении образовательного модуля на платформе Оператора. Материалы...
UNDEF supports projects that strengthen the voice of civil society, promote human rights, and encourage the participation of all groups in democratic processes. UNDEF projects are two years long. Applicants can request a grant of a minimum of 100,000 US dollars and a maximum of 250,000 US dollars. The large majority of UNDEF funds go to local civil society organizations. Since 2006, UNDEF has supported more than 800 projects in over 120 countries at a total amount of over US $210 million. Proposals are subject to a highly rigorous selection process, with fewer than two percent of proposals chosen for funding. Potential project areas: The rule of law and human rights Women’s...
    The UN Trust Fund is providing financial support to projects that address gaps in services to assist and support victims, and sustainable economic empowerment with a focus on income generation activities.   Trust fund aims to finance organizations that provide support and assistance which include, but are not limited to the following services:   Medical services, including sexual and reproductive health services; Psychosocial services, including dealing with stigma and discrimination; Legal services and access to an effective remedy; Immediate material care as necessary such as food, clothing, emergency safe shelter, education, and essential medicines and...
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (hereinafter “UNESCO”) announces a competition for the position of a member of the global network of coordinators to support the implementation of the capacity-building program of the 2003 Convention on the Protection of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.   The program is demand driven and has provided individual capacity development support to more than 130 countries through a combination of training, advisory services, stakeholder consultations and pilot activities.   Aim of the competition: to expand the Global Network of Facilitators of the Convention on the Protection of the Intangible Cultural...
The Сertificate Training “Climate Change and Conflicts” from the OSCE Academy in Bishkek will provide participants with a comprehensive insight of the impact of climate change on the Central Asian region with a special focus on its impact on (social) conflict lines.   The training will combine academic contributions with classes in the field of conflict studies, providing participants with the opportunity to identify and analyze potential conflicts arising from the effects of climate change in the context of their country and the region as a whole.   Cost: Free of charge – the organizers of the training will cover the costs of transportation, accommodation and...