The Embassy of Finland in Kazakhstan is open for proposals for funding projects of local civil society organizations through the Fund for Local Cooperation (FLC) for 2023-2024.   This Program aims to contribute to the achievement of the following results: Project 1: Climate change, sustainable use of natural resources and green growth; Project 2: Education, democracy, functioning societies (including digital services).   In 2023, it is expected to fund two projects in the amount of about 25,000-30,000 euros each, but the total amount of projects will not exceed 60,000 euros. The projects should start by the end of 2023 and be completed by the end of...
The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund (MBZ) is now open for applications to provide targeted grants to individual species conservation initiatives, recognize leaders in the field and elevate the importance of species in the broader conservation debate.   The Fund focus is global and eligibility for grants will extend to all plant, animal and fungi species conservation efforts, without discrimination on the basis of region or selected species.   The Fund maximum grant size is $25,000 for each project.   Eligibility Anyone directly involved in species conservation can apply to the Fund for a grant Applications must be submitted in English. Budgets must be submitted...
The Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation announces a republican contest of social ideas and projects on the theme: «Law, health and communication — guidelines for the sustainable development of the modern world». The aim of the competition is to identify and popularize the best ideas and projects that offer solutions to socially significant problems, such as legal culture, joint responsibility for health, and information literacy. Objectives of the contest: Presentation of the best models in the field of protection of citizens’ rights, popularization of healthy lifestyle, quality of medical services, digitalization and information culture. Organization of discussion platforms for the...
The U.S. Mission to Kazakhstan Public Diplomacy Section of the U.S. Department of State is accepting applications for  the Mission’s annual Small Grants Program. The program is focused on supporting the development of Kazakhstani democratic institutions and civil society by competitively awarding small grants to Kazakh nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and associations, to nonprofit civil society organizations (CSOs), and to independent local media organizations. Applications for grants between $10,000 and $50,000 can be submitted in the following priority areas: Empowering and bolstering the convening power of Kazakh organizations, influencers, and opinion...
The European Commission is seeking proposals for actions in Kazakhstan with financial assistance from the thematic programmes on “Human Rights and Democracy” and “Civil Society Organisations”. The Thematic Programme on Human Rights and Democracy (HRD) builds upon the key features of the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) with the objective to promote and protect human rights, fundamental freedoms, democracy, and the rule of law. The Thematic Programme on Civil Society Organisations (CSO) is a European Union programme that aims to strengthen civil society organisations in EU partner countries. It contributes primarily to the Commission’s priorities on...
Global Affairs Canada funds selected initiatives that strongly align with Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy and program priorities. The funding program’s general aim is to support Canadian and international partners that work to reduce poverty in developing countries. Potential areas of funding: Areas that address development challenges including gender equality, human rights, and environmental sustainability* *Project areas should align with Global Affairs Canada’s programming and policy priorities and the host country’s international or national commitments. Requirements: Non-governmental or private sector organizations from ODA-eligible countries can apply for...
Приглашаем вас принять участие в онлайн-встрече по разъяснению Правил предоставления государственных грантов для НПО с председателем Правления Центра поддержки гражданских инициатив Галымом Курманом. Мероприятие состоится 9 января, начало в 11.00. Онлайн-встреча будет транслироваться в прямом эфире на странице Центра в Facebook. Ссылка на страницу Facebook –...
Бүгін қазақстандықтар ұлық мереке – Қазақстан Республикасының Тәуелсіздік Күнін атап өтуде. 1991 жылы 16 желтоқсанда Жоғарғы Кеңес «Мемлекеттің тәуелсіздігі мен егемендігі туралы» заңды қабылдады. Азаматтық бастамаларды қолдау орталығының ұжымы барлық қазақстандықтарды мерекемен құттықтай отырып, әр отбасыға береке, амандық пен дәулет тілейді! Тәуелсіздіктің тұғыры биік...
CSOs, NGOs, and CBOs based and operating in Kazakhstan are requested to submit their proposals as a potential Responsible Party to UNDP on implementing the UNDP-TCCF Project “Almaty irrigation water supply and sanitation improvement”. Purpose of the project: To expand irrigated arable land areas, reduce the extent of degraded wastelands, restore agricultural landscapes, and sanitation of drinking water in three neighborhoods, and four high schools in the rural suburbs of the Almaty region. Objectives of the project: To establish a series of farmer’s centered demonstration plots on the restoration of degraded formerly irrigated lands To conduct and mobilize a wide range of community...
2022 жылдың сәуір айында Батыс Қазақстан, Атырау және Маңғыстау облыстарында 15 үкіметтік емес ұйым «Ecobatys» экологиялық бастамасы аясында «Шелл Қазақстан» компаниясы мен Азаматтық бастамаларды қолдау Орталығының қолдауымен 4 млн теңгеден грант ұтып алды. «Ecobatys» бастамасына «Шелл Қазақстан» компаниясы 60 млн теңге бөлді. Сондай-ақ, аталған үш облыста Каспий итбалығын сақтау, Жайық...