On February 5th, Ms Batima Mukina, Chair of the Board of the Civil Initiatives Support Center, had a meeting with Ms Diana Digol, Deputy Head of the OSCE Program Office in Nur-Sultan. The meeting was attended by Mr. Colin McCullough, Political Officer of the OSCE, Mr. Rati Japaridze, Head of Ecology and Economic Affairs Unit of the OSCE, and Mr. Adilet Mukushev, Human Rights Officer of the OSCE. Parties agreed to foster cooperation on support of NGOs within the framework of the Year of Volunteer. Representatives of the OSCE Program Office expressed interest in discussion of a draft project of the Concept on development of civic society in the Republic of Kazakhstan. At the meeting agreed...
A meeting of the enlarged board of the Ministry of Information and Social Development was held in Nur-Sultan. During the meeting, the outcomes of the ministry’s work in 2019 were reviewed and objectives for the upcoming period were determined. The event was attended by Deputy Prime Minister Berdybek Saparbayev, deputies of the Senate and the Mazhilis of Parliament, employees of the Presidential Administration and the Office of the Prime Minister, heads of structural divisions and subordinate organizations of the Ministry of Information and Social Development, prominent public figures and representatives from the civil sector. The Minister of Information and Social Development Dauren...
Dear citizens, In relations to the Year of Volunteer, the participants of the Qorgau project from the association of social lawyers, the Adil Zanger Law Chamber are ready to provide free legal assistance to citizens throughout the Republic of Kazakhstan until March 20, 2020. For further information, please see...
information on projects implemented in 2019 within the framework of state grant...
A meeting was held at the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan to discuss the Civil Society Support program in Central Asia. The program is implemented by the Eurasia Foundation with USAID financial support and consists of 4 main components: Creation of a group of youth leaders and their involvement in civic initiatives; Strengthening the role of civil society in enhancing transparency and accountability; Enhancing the ability of civil society to effectively respond to emerging opportunities; Institutional development of non-governmental organizations. The discussion was attended by Vice Minister of Information and Social Development D. Yesin,...
Dear representatives of NGO! We remind you that 10 days left until end of an open call for the government grants. Applications are accepted unil 18.00 on January 22,...
Civil Initiatives Support Center informs that from January 1, 2020, the Center’s office will be located at: Nur-Sultan, Mangilik yel ave., 30, 2nd...
In order to improve the efficiency of the selection process for the members of the competition Commission, Civil Initiatives Support Center (hereinafter – the Center) on a permanent basis maintains a register of experts. Currently, work continues on the formation of the register of experts. If you have information about an expert who: has the necessary skills to evaluate project applications, has experience of participation in various competition commissions, is an expert in one of the areas approved by article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 12, 2005 No. 36 “on state social order, grants and awards»; are you sure of the professionalism of this expert,...
As part of the closing of the year of youth, Astana IT University will host the Republican forum “ANC synergy of youth”, where more than 60 finalists of the project will present their works to the public. The forum will be held with the participation Of Chairman of the Senate of the Parliament of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the Council of the Congress of youth of Kazakhstan Nazarbayeva D. N., Deputy Chairman of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan tuimebayeva Zh. K., Minister of information and public development of Kazakhstan Abayev D. A. ⠀ For 4 months on the educational platform www.jastarsinergiiasy.kz more than 2000 people were trained. Upon completion of the online training,...
On December 11-12, Nur-Sultan will host the Republican Forum of volunteers, dedicated to the opening of the “year of volunteer-2020”, as well as to the International day of Volunteers. The forum is held within the framework of the program of small grants for the development of volunteer initiatives from the Civil Initiatives Support Center and the Ministry of information and public development of Kazakhstan. The forum will be attended by about 1000 participants, including 200 from all regions of Kazakhstan, as well as 60 international quests. This forum is expected to be attended by the Ministry of information and public development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of...