Civil Initiatives Support Center congratulates You on the International volunteer day! We sincerely thank you for your invaluable work. This year, the CISC financed two projects on the themes: “Implementation of the program of small grants for the development of volunteer initiatives” and “Development of information service for the development of volunteer activities”. The projects are implemented by the National Volunteer...
On November 15, 2019, a solemn ceremony of awarding the first Republican Award for contribution to the development of social entrepreneurship “Özgeris ustasy” was held in Almaty. The organizers of the Award are the Corporate Fund “Act for Impact” (Impact Hub Almaty) within the framework of the state grant of NAO “center for support of civil initiatives” with the support of the Ministry of information and public development of the Republic of...
Today, the family forum “Onege” started its work in Almaty. Within the framework of the forum, its participants had the opportunity to attend events aimed at strengthening the institution of the family, promoting family values, prevention of divorce and domestic violence from leading psychologists of Almaty and heads of regional public organizations. The event is organized by the center for comprehensive family support “Family Academy”. The family forum “Onege” was the final event of the project “Implementation of a set of social projects to provide family consultations aimed at strengthening the institution of the family and promoting family...
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unofficial translation Civil Initiatives Support Center implemented more than 200 social projects totaling 4.5 billion tenge. Source… The Civil Initiatives Support Center is looking for ways to involve business in the implementation of social projects as an equal partner, told Batima Mukina, the CEO of CISC, to the correspondent of Kursiv in an...
On October 12, the opening of the 10th anniversary project “Youth personnel reserve” with the participation of representatives of the state policy of Kazakhstan, national companies, reservists of previous years, etc. was held at the University of KAZGUU named after M. S. Narikbayev. The project is implemented by the Association “Bolashak” within the framework of the state grant of the Civil Initiatives Support Center with the support of the Ministry of Information and Public Development of Kazakhstan. “Youth personnel reserve” is a Republican database of specialists motivated for career growth, possessing a high level of development of professional...
PF “Zhayik tany” in order to implement the project “capacity building of rural NGOs in West Kazakhstan region” within the framework of the state grant of the Civil Initiatives Support Center supported by the Ministry of Information and Public Development of Kazakhstan announces contest of small grants for rural NGOs/ civil initiatives. Objectives of the small grants competition: Improving the skills of citizens in the study of rural problems, increasing the organizational capacity of rural NGOs/is, involving the rural population in the solution of socially important issues in the region. Sustainability of rural NGOs / is through project management training and small...
Название: ОО «Оралман Қазақ» Почтовый индекс: 060005 Область: Атырауская область Населенный пункт: Улица, номер дома: г.Атырау, пр.Азаттык, дом 96 «б» Телефон (раб. и моб.): 87014625790 E-mail: Дата и место регистрации организации: Департамент Юстиции Атырауской области 040540046259 от 21.04.2015 г. Ф. И. О. руководителя организации: Гаржауов Кудабай Мухамедович 2. Информация по проекту Название...
Название: ОО «Оралман Қазақ» Почтовый индекс: 060005 Область: Атырауская область Населенный пункт: Улица, номер дома: г.Атырау, пр.Азаттык, дом 96 «б» Телефон (раб. и моб.): 87014625790 E-mail: Дата и место регистрации организации: Департамент Юстиции Атырауской области 040540046259 от 21.04.2015 г. Ф. И. О. руководителя организации: Гаржауов Кудабай Мухамедович 2. Информация по проекту Название...