We invite representatives of NGOs to participate in the formation of the register of experts of the Center

Publication: 24.12.2019

In order to improve the efficiency of the selection process for the members of the competition Commission, Civil Initiatives Support Center (hereinafter – the Center) on a permanent basis maintains a register of experts.

Currently, work continues on the formation of the register of experts.

If you have information about an expert who:

  • has the necessary skills to evaluate project applications, has experience of participation in various competition commissions, is an expert in one of the areas approved by article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 12, 2005 No. 36 “on state social order, grants and awards»;
  • are you sure of the professionalism of this expert, and you think that he should be part of the competition Commission,

We ask you to send information about this candidate to the register of experts.


You need to send an email to expert@cisc.kz information according to the form provided below with a mandatory Appendix:

  1. A copy of the identity document;
  2. Candidate’s resume;
  3. Letter of recommendation from an NGO.

If you have any questions, please contact Shyryn Tlenchieva by phone at +77073325590.