Batima Mukina says “Growing citizenship activity is obvious – at the initiative of the Head of State, approaches are changing.”

Publication: 01.09.2020

Growing citizenship activity is obvious – at the initiative of the Head of State, approaches are changing

Today, President  Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, in his Address to the people of Kazakhstan said that in such challenging environment, our main task is to preserve socio-economic stability, high level of population’s employment and income.

“Hearing State” is, in fact, the concept of building a “Fair State”. It is not enough just to listen and see the population’s problems, the main thing is to correctly and objectively address these problems. There is a lot of work ahead to develop new standards for serving the interests of the state, – the President stressed.

As the Head of State noted, the state apparatus acts as the main planner, executor and evaluator in the state planning system. It is not right. The state planning system should ensure the mobilization of all human resources, involve the private sector and society as full partners at all stages: planning, execution, evaluation. Therefore, it was decided to create an Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms that reports directly to the President.

In his message last year, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev stated that in order to form an active civil society, it is necessary to increase the credibility of non-governmental organizations.

It must be acknowledged that, in general, at the initiative of the President, approaches are gradually changing. It was civil society’s suggestion that it is important to establish policies based on the needs of beneficiaries of those policies. It is obvious that citizenship activity is growing.

If the state supports the social initiatives of non-governmental organizations, then the social effect of those projects will be stronger.