CISC conducts public hearings

Publication: 28.12.2016

Non-profit joint stock company” Civil initiatives support senter ” on December 28, 2016 at 15.00 hours holds a public report on the work done for 2016. The Chairman of the Board of the non-profit joint stock company Nurlan suleimenovich Uteshev will speak to representatives of public organizations and the media. The main goal of the organization, established in 2016, is the development of civil society in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The center is a single operator in the field of grant financing of non-governmental organizations. The operator has allocated a grant in 11 directions for a total amount of 195 million tenge this year. During the meeting, we will talk about where the funds were spent, what progress has been achieved and the goals for the next year. For media accreditation or 87071748194.